

3 November


Just a little update for now ^^;;; since I haven't finished making the next pages for the manga yet 'cos of these *throw* school's *throw* paper *throw* works *throw* >.<;;;;


I got 2 new gifts ^.^ (luv them!!!), 1 new fanart that I drew for Homeless' b'day present XD~, and I've changed the BBS section into DeviantART section, since I dont know why my BBS seems not working at all ~_~;;;


That's all for now ;P


13 October 2002

*phew* I'm sorry that I need to hold L.A.D for about 2 months ^^;;; and thanks for people which encourage me by sending me emails and I'm sorry that I've so little time to reply them all... fortunately, I'll try to reply each mails today XD~ and I'll try to update more often if the school didn't give much works to do >.<;;;


I've updated pretty much thing and I also have changed some of the layout in some part of the site ^^; ('cause I feel like to change it). The section that I've updated are manga, gifts gallery, wallpaper gallery, dark dealers, omake, banners, cy's profile, many new links and I also got a new awards XD~~~ *thank you soooooo much!*


17 August 2002

L.A.D gonna be hold for a few months because of some problems that I had right now -_-;;; some of the problems are.... school's works >.< *dies* and also I need to work hard and do my best on my art file and art history because I want to take art course when I'm going to university.... I'm going to update as soon as I done with all these works -_- please, don't hate me.... ;_; *hide in the dark corner of her room*

I didn't realise that L.A.D already reach 1 year old last 20 July 2002 and... I didn't do much on my site because of all my works that have been following me around for a couple of months -_- *I apologize about my lack of updates and lack of anything...*

Another thing, I've done some painting of Akira that I've done for about a month ago ^^;;;;; this painting is on a small canvas and I put it in the E-Bay for an auction. If you want to bet for the painting... you can go to http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=900278511&rd=1

Once more, I apologize for the news, guys... I'll try to finish all my works here so that I could update L.A.D again like normal *look at all her paperwork and dies away* @_#


12 July 2002

Today just a small update of LAD and since my parents are here for the holiday... I can't do much on the manga thingy ^^;;;; [or they gonna catch me drawing some bishouen/yaoi action in the manga >.<;;;] so today I didn't update the manga section but I'll put it up when my parents are going back to my country.


There's a new section in this LAD site now XD~ it's called the Dark Dealers ^^;;;; in this section, it hold all items that I sell and it's all about Live After Dead, you can ask me about this section anytime; also 3 new Gifts from all those beautiful people *hugs hugs*; I've changed chat section into Contact section; 2 new picts in B/W Gallery; and 2 new Fanart picts that I do *drools*..... oh, and the poll in the Omake section was still running guys! XD~


That's all for this update ^^;;;; I'll update more as soon as I'm free from my parents >;D *goes lurking*


23 June 2002


AAAAaaaaaa.... ::CH's going insane:: >_<;;;;; this HTML codes is killing me... sorry to take such a long time to update this site, actually I was moving into a new server (since something's going wrong with the geocities -_-;;;;) and I haven't had the time to transfer all the file into this new server and some of the links are down...., but hey... guess what, I've update some new things along this removal XD~


I have moved to: http://liveafterdead.50megs.com/lad.html


I have update the mostly all things ^^;;;; gee.... okay, let list it one by one *reading her notes* I've update the B/W gallery with 2 new picts; 9 more pages of the manga; some omake too XD~; people also have given me 5 more gifts (thanks guys!!! I luv u all!); 2 new pict too in Colour Gallery; 3 new wallpapers (and I think you will like the wallpaper that had Akira in it ^_^) and... I think that's it.... probably you should take a look around at this new server, incase that I've forgotten something that had to be listed in this update page... (since I haven't sleep for 3 days now for working at the works that I got and this removal thingy...) -_-;;;;;;


I hope you enjoy the update guys and also... if you found some links that aren't working... please, tell me A.S.A.P and I'll fixed it later ^_____^ thanks!!!! and now.... I missed my pillow... T_T ::walk to her bed and sleeps for aaaallllll-daaaayyyy-llooonnggggg.........:: >_<;;;;;;;

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