
*sigh*.... so many mails that I've to reply today T.T

Mwahahahhaa... if you wanna chat with me, you can find me with these engines folks and this is my name all over the chat:

ICQ: 112784375
Windows Messenger (msn):
Yahoo Messenger: CyberHell_715
AOL Messenger: SanuyaX

You can find me on those engines ^.^ but I'm not guarantee that you'll find me everyday, every time... because I need to go to school too you know ^^;;; hehehhee, but I'll try to be online as much as I can and say Hi to you all ;P
E-mail me!

Wow... sometimes when I abandon my email for just 2 days or so... it can turn out with 20 new mails... and some people can't sent something important to me since my mail-box full ^^;;;;; so I'll put some of my other emails here, hope it useful (^o^)/ (I almost check this email every time I online ^^) (I check this email once in 3 days) (I check this email once in 2 days) (I used this mails only for receiving something from people so I usually didn't sent them reply for their mails every time they sent an email to this mail)

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